Saturday 27 March 2010


He's got the profile of Joseph Goeballs
and the charm of Albert Speer.
He's as trustworthy as Lord Haw Haw.
But not half as sincere.

Tebbit is his name,
MP? my arse!
He should be tried as a war criminal,
for crimes against the working class.

Norman Tebbit lives!
That's open to debate.
He seems half dead
and always looks in a state.

He is so nondescript
words can't justify him.
I never cease to wander
how the reaper keeps passing by him?

He impresses the Tory faithfull
with rhetoric crude and hollow.
concocting a social poison,
that only a fool would swallow.

Devoid of original thought,
afflicted with a mental malaise,
he creeps through the corridors of power,
like a blinded rat in a maze.

He's destroying jobs and services,
throwing workers on the dole.
Then screaming for law and order,
to keep them under control.

But, the nation is getting wise,
to what Tebbit is really like.
and the message of the people is clear:
On yer fucking bike!

CapabilityRed aprox 1985

Friday 5 March 2010

So Much To Lose

Still paying for the jet and the rest of the debt, left over from last year's holiday?
And it's a pretty even bet, that the mail order threat will carry you into the deep water, out of the bay.
You've got the freedom to pay your bills any way that you choose.
So, you'd better behave and be a good slave. 'Cos you know you've got so much to lose.

Ah! You've got so much to lose,
you can afford to be abused,
if you want to pay for that cruise.
Ever felt you're being used?

Despite attempts to pretend that you've got so many friends. How does it feel to be alone?
And at the week-end, working overtime again, slurring and slumping and falling asleep on the 'phone.
You find it convenient to wear that made -to-measure stare.You know, public opinion point of view.
And it's totally against the grain, on the bus, or the train, for someone to make an example out of you.

Because you've got so much to lose,
you can tell me, do you feel confused?
Sort of, battered and bruised.
The Anglo American blues?

Strollin' down the street, make sure you're casual but neat. Never know who you might impress.
Wouldn't it be so complete, if you were to unexpectedly meet that project that answers your calls in American Express?
Does it tingle your conscience, to read all the nonsense in the headlines and the news?
Being bourgeois, eating pomme de terre and petit pois. Can you ever explain these virtues?

No. You've got so much to lose,
you know that you stand accused.
Tell me, how many pairs of shoes,
have you got, but never use?

CapabilityRed aprox 1987