Sunday 15 January 2012

Thoughts of a 'Cheap Fares' Campaigner

If power is in the mind
and I'm convinced that I'm right,
why do they shackle my body
so that I cannot fight?
With chains of statute
that can't be broken,
forbidding words
I, might never have spoken.
The people chose, the people elected.
But the Lords decided; 'it must be rejected'.
If voting could change anything
it would be banned.
As would anything that might discolour
this green and pleasant land.

Are these the words of an angry young man?
But I'm not that bloody young.
I am but one in a million,
yet another raging tongue.
The candle of subversion burns
at the line of balanced views,
snap! what a weight off my mind,
thou shalt never be refused.

Where do you go to when you're done?
and you've finished for the day?
How did you get there in the first place?
Did you ever have to pay?
Would I recognise you in a crowd?
Do you look like my MP?
Are you powerful without your disguise?
Or is this democracy by decree?

Do you believe what you read?
Or, do you read between the lines?
When the forked tongues of Fleet Street
sweeten the slime.
Never have the jaws of the gentry
found meat so easy to chew,
never the minds of so many,
been poisoned by the pens of so few.

Capability Red 1982

Monday 2 January 2012

My Husband Works On The Buses

My husband works on the buses,
he didn't want to go on strike,
he's got a free bus pass,
but he goes to work on a bike.
My husband works on the buses,
although he's a plumber by trade,
and he's a dab hand at woodwork,
you ought to see the playpen he made.
My husband works on the buses,
but we're hoping things will get better,
still, he earns a few pounds on the side,
as a part time pools collector.
My husband works on the buses,
sooner or later, things must improve,
we're saving up to buy our own house,
so that we can sell it. And move.
Yes! My husband works on the buses.

Capability Red aprox 1985