Saturday 27 July 2013

The Day Your Life Changed

You'll never ever be the same,
this is real, not a game,
it's happened, there's no-one to blame.
Today your life has changed.

I felt a sense of deja vu,
when I heard all about you,
you'll understand, you'll feel it too,
on the day your life changed.

I remember. But where was you?
Walking? Talking? Along that avenue,
I didn't believe it, it wasn't true.
But that day my life changed.

Capability Red         July 2013

Wednesday 17 July 2013

On A Bench By The Brook

Sylvia sits on a bench by the brook,
nobody asks her the time as the day passes slowly.
Children run, shout, fall, or was that yesterday?
Tomorrow is a far away country watching the brook flow.

All of a somewhere a siren sounds.
Mothers alarmed, gather loved ones.
It's quiet again, the 'all clear' must have sounded,
Sylvia trembles, she forgot her gas mask.

That long ago? Was it one of ours?
Where have they gone? It's starting to rain.
Sylvia listens to the gentle pitter patter,
sitting all alone at dusk on a bench by the brook.

Capability Red       July 2013