Sunday 1 February 2015

At Leytonstone Station

Dawn breaks above dark tunnels, tired signals and tracks at Leytonstone Station.
Cold steel tracks struggling to carry weary, dreary, hum drum trains to and fro.
And a struggling morning sun casts September shadows onto platform 2.
Shadows which never sleight the shattering mosaics of the subway.
A subway that seasons don't sweep.Where their eyes first met.
And busy remote commuters avoid eye contact at all cost.
Questioning the cost of smoke and print at the tiny station kiosk.
Leytonstone Station, where two young lovers embarked on their journey.
A journey begining with a lingering glance and a teasing sense of vertigo.
Sensing amorous tingles and the bleak moodiness of brown leather.

Darkening moods at Leytonstone Station strain as autumn takes a grip.
Gripping onto distant dreams, prospects and tales that strangers tell.
Just who was that passing stranger who asked them for directions?
And directed his gaze towards the light in that upstairs window.
A window pruriently overlooking platform 2, witnessing trains departing daily.
Platform 2 soaking up the seasons' never ending wanton emotions.
Seasons come and seasons go. But, today it is cold at Leytonstone Station.
Eerie coldness of ticking clocks as time passes slowly, passes slowly.
Minutes pass into hours, hordes of passengers pass through station barriers.
At Leytonstone Station. Where two capricious spirits intertwine.
And then disperse......................................

Capability Red        Feb 2015