Monday 20 January 2020


Like a wurlitzer almanac
taking down the decorations.
So, that's it for another year.

Days some of us may never see
she said, in anticipation
of chiming bells we'll never hear.

Unexpected curtailment of
obligatory celebrations
observed by stalwarts far and near.

The darkest nights and shortest days,
symptoms of our ruminations.
Another year, another year.

Capability Red      Jan 2020

Monday 6 January 2020

Writers Tears

What do you do when you're preoccupied
and your head has run out of ideas?
Do you shut out the world and stay inside?
Take heed as you mop up those writers tears.
Squeeze out the sponge that you saturated
with the anguish, awe and angst from your fears.
Kid yourself that it's all over rated
but the cloud of gloom never disappears.
And a poet without inspiration
is like a saloon bar devoid of cheers.
Count your steps as you walk to the station
in the rain, to disguise those writers tears

Capability Red          Jan 2020