Saturday 25 June 2011

Last Day Of Term

Tall railings remind you,
doubts in the back of your mind.
The gates are closed,
was there, something you left behind?
Maybe; your hopes, your future,
that certain something you always seemed to lack.
Turn around my little girl,
you know you can never go back.

Cling to your memories,
happy hours and playground games.
But, wasn't it your best friend,
that always called you names?
You hurt inside, but laughed aloud,
with a smile that would never crack.
Turn around my little girl,
you know you can never go back.

There's a certain sadness,
attached to the last day of term.
It's too late to revise,
what you never, ever learned.
Just now that distant light at the
end of the tunnel fades to black.
Turn around my little girl,
you know you can never go back.

Capability Red aprox 1990

Saturday 18 June 2011

Poetry For You :

Try and understand me, when I say; that the pillars are about to crack.
But if you can't, just cling on to every other word,
the way you used to cling onto my back.
In the days, when we were both as thick as shit,
or, should I say naive?
It sounds a little more apt, now I really come to think about it.
And I've got little else to do,
but write some poetry for you.

See that fat man on the corner? So meticulously bred.
His epicurean taste buds are on twenty four hour alert,
you know; you and me still keep him well fed.
He longs for those good old days, when he could just ring,
and our fathers would jump down some stinking trench.
Recently, his options matured, he gladly wallows in the stench.
So, you can either read postcards without a view.
Or, shall I write some poetry for you?

Remember the day you wore that flowing cape,
and we went walking in the rain?We shared our inner feelings,
but since that day, we never took that path again.
It's not gonna rain forever, but it seems;
there's always clouds in the sky.
Somehow, I wish it would rain forever, to hide these tears in my eyes.
My heart is overflowing too,
it's pouring into this poetry for you.

Capability Red. June 2011

Sunday 12 June 2011

The Queen At Poplar Bus Garage

As part of the royal itinerary,
her advisors thought it proper,
that the Queen should visit a bus garage,
so they chose the one at Poplar.

To avoid any demonstrations,
the trip was kept 'hush hush'.
But, when she arrived on December 2nd:
Embarrassment, was like a royal flush.

Buckingham Palace didn't know,
that Poplar garage had closed.
So, it was a case for improvisation:
Remember; the king's new clothes!

A 'Gold Badge' pointed out;
" The Queen's obviously pretty dim,
If we say the buses are invisible.
I bet, she'll never fall in!"

And so the visit went ahead,
with the 'Gold Badge' as her guide.
Showing the Queen invisible buses,
but, not letting her take a ride.

Media coverage was cancelled,
LT News was given the tip,
and the lackeys that followed the Queen around,
were told; " button your lip".

After the visit was over,
the 'Gold Badge' had a notion,
a brilliant idea,
that was sure to get him promotion.

Reflecting on her Majesty's visit,
which really went down swell,
he suggested: " Let's close Hornchurch,
Elmers End and Bexley garages as well!"

The suggestion became policy,
the bosses were ever so keen,
noting that when those garages close,
they would have to invite the Queen.

Capability Red. aprox 1984

Middle Aged Man

Middle aged man, middle aged man,
bet you don't live in a baked bean can.
Fought for the empire 'gainst Japan,
middle aged man, middle aged man.

If the truth is known, you probably fought,
alongside my dear old Dad
Chindit corp, forgotten war,
he was just a lad.

What did you do? How was you used?
Hark at all those yarns.
Shrapnel wound? I was over the moon,
he looked me straight in the palm.

Middle aged man, middle aged man,
of course you don't live in a baked bean can.
Held a grudge against Japan,
middle aged man, middle aged man.

Left the army, joined the 'bill,
my old Dad was on the dole.
But it's never too late to be a hero,
could have had a job exploring the north pole.

I'm a member of the second generation.
Too much money, too much choice.
Piccadilly roamer, east end loner,
lay my money, make my noise:

Middle aged man, middle aged man,
I know you don't live in a baked bean can.
And you've never been to Japan,
middle aged man, middle aged man.

Capability Red aprox 1979