Sunday 24 March 2013

Coming Up For Air?

It's not the sort of job for an Englishman,
it's not the sort of job for any man.
But I do a bit of overtime when I can.
It helps to pay the mortgage.

It's not a job where you drive a Rolls Royce.
It's not the sort of job you do out of choice,
and if I kick up a stink, I'm a lonely voice.
Still, it helps to pay the mortgage.

It's the sort of job you leave when you can.
But you can't jump out of the frying pan.
In the summer I could get a tan.
But that wouldn't pay the mortgage.

It's not the sort of job to recommend.
It's not the sort of job you'd offer a friend.
On Saturday night, I've no money to spend.
Not after I've paid the mortgage!

They calculate a mortgage on what you earn.
They couldn't care less what you learn.
But they'll be sorry when I return
to pay next month's mortgage.

Capability Red      aprox'  1983

Love Is ?

Love is real, love is ill,
Love is when your woman's on the pill.
Love is nice take my advice,
Love is when she doesn't ask twice.
Smiles and kisses, Mr and Mrs,
valentine cards and pleasant wishes.
Love is lame, love is tame
Love is when you both feel the same.
Love is cash, love is fashion,
Love is when you both share passion.
Love is together in stormy weather,
Love is when you both wear leather.
It makes a change if love is strange,
let's role reverse, let's rearrange.
Love is a choice, let's rejoice
on the back seat of a new Rolls Royce!
Love is first, love is last.
Love is treasure from a pleasant past.

Capability Red          aprox'  1982

Saturday 2 March 2013

Watching You Grow Old

In the heat of the night, feeling cold,
your face contorts, I'm watching you grow old.

Behind closed eyes, the years unfold,
for the rest of my life watching you grow old.

And day by day, night after night,
the shadow of your stare in the fading light.

Ordinary woman, ordinary man,
getting it on as best as they can.

We have a purpose, or so we're told
through ageing eyes, I'm watching you grow old.

Capability Red          aprox    1982