Sunday 24 March 2013

Coming Up For Air?

It's not the sort of job for an Englishman,
it's not the sort of job for any man.
But I do a bit of overtime when I can.
It helps to pay the mortgage.

It's not a job where you drive a Rolls Royce.
It's not the sort of job you do out of choice,
and if I kick up a stink, I'm a lonely voice.
Still, it helps to pay the mortgage.

It's the sort of job you leave when you can.
But you can't jump out of the frying pan.
In the summer I could get a tan.
But that wouldn't pay the mortgage.

It's not the sort of job to recommend.
It's not the sort of job you'd offer a friend.
On Saturday night, I've no money to spend.
Not after I've paid the mortgage!

They calculate a mortgage on what you earn.
They couldn't care less what you learn.
But they'll be sorry when I return
to pay next month's mortgage.

Capability Red      aprox'  1983

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