Saturday 26 October 2013

Somebody has to come Second

Somebody has to come second,
but if it's my daughter, I'll scream.
She'll marry a lawyer
the Jones' I'll redeem.

Somebody has to come second,
although, they might as well be third.
A paragraph in the small print
and nobody reads a word.

Somebody must be a loser
I know, he'll be a loser himself.
Somebody has to come second,
but let it be somebody else!

Capability Red        aprox' 1977

Sunday 13 October 2013

Lord Goldfish Bowl

My name is Lord Goldfish Bowl,
I'm sixty five, getting old.
But, tickety boo chaps, you know,
I take my seat at the Lord Mayor's show.

Crosswords, absurds, I still laugh,
I've got hot water in my bath,
I don't worry if you're on strike,
I'm a Lord and I do as I like!

Velvet curtains, chandeliers,
Barons, Earls, wigs and peers,
parquet flooring in my hall
two way mirrors on the wall.

My name is Lord Goldfish Bowl,
I bought my wife a pure mink stole,
drive a Bentley twice a week
seems like beauty's pocket deep.

My name is Lord Goldfish Bowl,
I've got titles in a row
I have money in the sky,
Hope it's there when I die.

Capability Red               1976