Sunday 13 October 2013

Lord Goldfish Bowl

My name is Lord Goldfish Bowl,
I'm sixty five, getting old.
But, tickety boo chaps, you know,
I take my seat at the Lord Mayor's show.

Crosswords, absurds, I still laugh,
I've got hot water in my bath,
I don't worry if you're on strike,
I'm a Lord and I do as I like!

Velvet curtains, chandeliers,
Barons, Earls, wigs and peers,
parquet flooring in my hall
two way mirrors on the wall.

My name is Lord Goldfish Bowl,
I bought my wife a pure mink stole,
drive a Bentley twice a week
seems like beauty's pocket deep.

My name is Lord Goldfish Bowl,
I've got titles in a row
I have money in the sky,
Hope it's there when I die.

Capability Red               1976

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