Sunday 4 November 2018

Jeremy's Dilema

Jeremy has found a recipe for the perfect cake,
you don't need to be a trained chef to know how to bake.
He's got a kitchen, an oven, ingredients too
and, he's read plenty of books that advise you what to do.

Jeremy's friends are intrigued, they offer him advice.
But, they all say something different, he begins to think twice.
None of his friends are bakers, they all prefer take-away.
All that fuss and preparation, it's not worth it they say!

And what about the washing up? Who's going to do that?
Jeremy's optimism is beginning to fall flat.
He turns on the radio, sits back with a glass of red,
then, after contemplating; orders a pizza instead.

But, everyone's had enough of pizza. They want a change.
Jeremy's pulling his hair out, friends think he's acting strange.
What on earth do they want? Kosher? Kebab? or a curry?
Let them sort themselves out: They won't do that in a hurry!

Capability Red November 2018

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