Tuesday 29 December 2009

On an Autumn day

Why do things go wrong?
so often, on an Autumn day.
Why does sorrow belong,
among the throng down Autumn way?

Why do shadows so long,
darken the grass where I'd lay?
And obscure summer shade long,
gone and forgotten, on an Autumn day.

And why does the Starling's song
haunt me as I turn away?
To remember distant days gone,
some close, some far away.

Why should an Autumnal sunset,
determine the game I'll play?
Looking up for an answer,
but, falling leaves get in the way.

Why should a setting so perfect,
bequeath a price to pay?
Why do things go wrong?
So often, on an Autumn day.

CapabilityRed aprox 1987

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