Tuesday 29 December 2009

Our Day Will Come

They interviewed MacGregor,
and spoke to Michael Eaton,
the BBC were adamant:
"the NUM was beaten".
Nobody was certain
how the strikers would react.
But there wouldn't be an amnesty
for miners who were sacked.

Our day will come, we place our trust.
To show them the mercy that they show us.
What would you give?
What wouldn't you bet?
That they'll deserve everything that they get
Our day will come.

On strike for twelve long months,
through hunger debt and strife.
But all we get are news reports
of a scab and his wife.
As the NUM march back to work,
the vitriol suddenly fades.
Fleet Street finds a target
in the latest case of AIDs.

Our day will come we place our trust.
To show them the mercy that they show us.
What would you give?
What wouldn't you bet?
That they'll deserve everything that they get.
Take heed. Our day will come.

CapabilityRed aprox March 1985

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