Saturday 23 October 2010


Affluence is liberation, affluence is reminiscing,
affluence is a second generation that don't know what they're missing.
Affluence is emptying the pedal bin, wearing a leather skirt,
never getting your hands dirty, not allowing your pride to be hurt.

Affluence glows like a well soaked sun tan,
across the breasts of a young housewife.
Affluence is a house in Essex
and a mortgage for the rest of your life.

Affluence is a video machine, to enjoy violence at your leisure.
Affluence is watching a sex film, if the violence doesn't give you pleasure.
Affluence is an unusual word, overheard in the checkout queue.
Eyes that unwrap your shopping, then stick the knife into you.

Affluence is this year's model, parked on your tarmac drive,
affluence, is the pleasures of life, being glad that you're alive.
Affluence is available. To you, on easy credit.
Er. Pending financial status! Don't tell them I said it.

Affluence is a lunch time pub, sharing a couple of jars,
and on weekend evenings, frequenting wine bars.
Affluence is Piere Cardin. Affluence is Benneton.
Affluence is material love and two weeks in Benidorm.

Affluence is 'fitting in'. You know immediate recognition.
smiling your way to the top. To a comfortable position.
Affluence is unisex, affluence is deviation,
affluence is S'nM, or a Zandra Rhodes creation.

Affluence is dampness, as your neighbour trudges in the street,
and you waive as you pass in your brand new car, wriggling in your seat.

Affluence is far away places, that appear on your TV screen.
You don't have to live there. But you can boast to your friends that you've been.

Affluence is a catch, and how many people get caught?
Moreover, how many admit, it was their own selfish fault?
Affluence is a spiral. A wall of death for you to ride.
A cavalcade coliseum, without a place to hide.

Affluence is the Queen's new clothes.
A variation on the three card trick.
Affluence is like mud.
If you throw enough, it'll stick!

Capability Red aprox 1990

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